Being Authentically You

Being authentically you blog post banner image of aurora borealis Lapland Finland with yellow text and

Culture and Arts MA, Creative Design Management studies, push me to be freer. For so long, I thought I must execute, execute, and execute. No time to be creative when you have sales figures to present, budgets that need sticking to, and CEOs who want facts and hardcore numbers. Where does creativity fit in that?

Growth from Sales to CX

When I grew from sales to customer experience, I finally felt things falling into place. My mind was at ease. I was where I was supposed to be.

I didn’t sell anymore, but I matched all the sales numbers and sold even more… What happened? I started listening to the customer and giving them what they wanted, instead of selling them what I wanted.

Studying Creativity

That led me to study creative design management. My customers pushed me to allow myself to be creative. They needed me to create. Allow my brain to be free. Be innovative. They wanted what my crazy brain was forming. Could this really be happening?

It took a long time to allow myself to “feel okay with it”. I could simply do what I always knew was the right thing to do. Give my customers what they want. Make them happy. Allow simple things just to be simple things.

Making things complicated didn’t make me smarter or show anybody I could do more. Quite the contrary. It made my clients feel confused, they didn’t know what I was offering, and what I could do. It masked my true potential, buried my creativity, and… I lost the customer at the end of the day.

Simply You

Be simple. Be you. Be authentically you and do simple things. Life will be so much more beautiful. Your mind will be at ease. You will feel the difference.

I’m Jonna. I’m the owner of FINN-X. I’m on a mission to make the world a happier place. I do that simply by making my customers and their customers matter again. I bring smiles back. I provide customer experience services.

How would you feel about making the world happier? Simply, email me at
Thank you!

FINN-X "Customer Experiences with Finnish Heart"